Soal Tes Literasi merupakan salah satu komponen tes SNBT 2024 yang terdiri dari 3 subtes yaitu literasi dalam bahasa Indonesia, literasi dalam bahasa Inggris dan penalaran matematika.
Jumlah soal tes literasi sendiri akan ada 70 soal dengan waktu pengerjaan 95 menit. Adapun pembagian setiap subtesnya sebagai berikut:
Literasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia: 30 Soal, 45 Menit
Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris: 20 Soal, 30 Menit
Penalaran Matematika: 20 Soal, 30 Menit
Berikut ini beberapa contoh soal tes literasi setiap subtesnya.
Contoh Soal Tes Literasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia
1. “Subsidi BBM juga menciptakan ketidakadilan” dan “penikmat subsidi BBM adalah kelompok rakyat menengah ke atas”.
Kata subsidi pada teks di atas memiliki makna ….
A. Penggantian
B. Pinjaman
C. Murah
D. Bantuan
E. Keringanan
(1) Pemerintah Jepang menggelontorkan paket stimulus dengan total nilai 73,6 triliun yen atau setara dengan US$ 707 miliar. (2) Nilai stimulus yang bila dirupiahkan mencapai Rp10 kuadriliun (asumsi Rp136 per yen) itu adalah paket stimulus yang pertama dikeluarkan Yoshihide Suga sejak menjabat perdana menteri. (3) Selain paket stimulus, pemerintah Jepang juga menyiapkan sejumlah langkah fiskal lain seperti pinjaman, investasi, dan pengeluaran sekitar 40 triliun yen. (4) Draf paket stimulus menunjukkan bahwa sebagian belanja akan dibiayai oleh 19,2 triliun yen dari anggaran tambahan ketiga. (5) Suga juga menjelaskan, paket stimulus itu akan mencakup dukungan untuk fasilitas medis dan rumah bagi para lansia, serta untuk pekerjaan dan arus kas perusahaan.
(6) Pada kuartal ketiga lalu, angka pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jepang naik seiring penurunan angka infeksi. (7) Pengeluaran konsumen yang cenderung menurun membantu mendorong pemulihan di musim panas. (8) Jika pembatasan sukarela atas pergerakan dan aktivitas terus muncul kembali di kota-kota Jepang, efek pada pengeluaran diperkirakan bakal semakin dalam. (9) Selain itu, Suga juga menghadapi tantangan untuk menunjukkan bahwa dia berhasil mempertahankan momentum ekonomi sekaligus menahan virus hingga opsi vaksin tersedia. (10) Suga juga dihadapkan pada tantangan menggenjot belanja konsumen. (11) Oleh karena itu, program subsidi perjalanan terus dipertahankan sebagai salah satu kebijakan stimulusnya meski mendapat kecaman karena berpotensi memperburuk penyebaran virus Covid-19.
2. Kata fiskal yang digunakan oleh kalimat (3) memiliki makna ….
A. Aspek kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam perekonomian
B. Hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan keuangan negara khususnya bunga dan laba
C. Sektor yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan dan kesejahteraan sosial
D. Hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pajak atau pendapatan negara
E. Kebijakan yang berkaitan erat dengan perekonomian dan rencana keuangan
(1) Sampah pada dasarnya merupakan suatu bahan yang terbuang atau dibuang dari suatu sumber hasil aktivitas manusia maupun proses-proses alam yang tidak mempunyai nilai ekonomi, bahkan dapat mempunyai nilai yang negatif karena dalam penanganannya, baik untuk membuang atau membersihkannya memerlukan biaya yang cukup besar. (2) Selain itu karakteristik dari sampah adalah bau, sampah juga dapat, menimbulkan penyakit seperti diare. (3) Pengelolaan sampah menjadi tanggung jawab bersama antara pemerintah dan masyarakat. (4) Untuk sampah permukiman, pembagian tanggung jawab pengelolaan sampah dibedakan menjadi dua, pengelolaan sampah dari sumber hingga ke TPS menjadi tanggung jawab masyarakat, dan pengelolaan sampah dari TPS hingga ke TPA menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah. (5) Salah satu teknik pengelolaan sampah adalah pengomposan. (6) Pengomposan yaitu suatu cara pengolahan sampah organik dengan memanfaatkan aktifitas bakteri untuk mengubah sampah menjadi kompos (proses pematangan). (7) … dilakukan terhadap sampah organik.
3. Kata “proses-proses” pada kalimat pertama merupakan jenis kata ulang ….
A. Semu
B. Berubah bunyi
C. Dwilingga
D. Berimbuhan
E. Dwipurwa
(1) Tenaga kerja adalah orang yang bisa bekerja untuk menghasilkan barang atau jasa, sehingga mendapat upah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. (2) Tenaga kerja memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam perekonomian sebuah negara. (3) Artinya kesejahteraan dan tingkat ekonomi sebuah negara bisa dilihat dari faktor tenaga kerjanya. (4) Menurut Maulida Indriani dalam jurnal yang berjudul Peran Tenaga Kerja Indonesia dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Nasional, tenaga kerja berperan sebagai salah satu faktor produksi, tepatnya pada ranah sumber daya manusia. (5) Keahlian atau kemampuan tenaga kerja diperlukan untuk mengolah sumber daya alam serta membuat barang atau hasil produksi. (6) Sehingga nantinya hasil olahan atau produksinya bisa dijual ke masyarakat maupun diekspor ke luar negeri. (7) Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam tenaga kerja bukan hanya segi kuantitas atau jumlahnya saja. (8) Namun, juga dari segi kualitasnya yang harus lebih diutamakan. (9) Jika kualitas tenaga kerja atau sumber daya manusianya baik, maka perekonomian sebuah negara bisa semakin baik karena hasil produksi dan pendapatannya semakin bertambah. (10) Selain kualitas atau keahlian tenaga kerja, faktor upah juga menjadi hal yang utama. (11) Karena tingkat pendapatan atau upah sangat mempengaruhi kesejahteraan masyarakat, termasuk kesejahteraan nasional. (12) Agar bisa mendapatkan upah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya, ketersediaan lapangan pekerjaan juga perlu dijamin. (13) Hal ini juga merupakan upaya untuk mengurangi tingkat pengangguran dan kemiskinan.
4. Tiga poin penting terkait tenaga kerja dan perekonomian negara adalah ….
A. Keahlian dan kemampuan, upah tenaga kerja, dan lapangan pekerjaan
B. Tenaga kerja, tingkat ekonomi, dan kesejahteraan masyarakat
C. Tenaga kerja, hasil produksi, dan kualitas tenaga kerja
D. Kualitas tenaga kerja, upah tenaga kerja, dan ketersediaan lapangan pekerjaan
E. Kualitas tenaga kerja, keadaan ekonomi, ketersediaan lapangan pekerjaan
(1) Pihak berwenang kesehatan Spanyol akan memperketat batasan selama minggu Paskah mendatang, untuk mencegah lonjakan penularan virus corona baru. (2) Menteri Kesehatan Spanyol Carolina Darias mengatakan antara 26 Maret-9 April perjalanan antar wilayah semenanjung Spanyol akan dilarang. (3) Pertemuan-pertemuan akan dibatasi untuk empat orang di ruang tertutup dan enam orang di ruang terbuka, dan jam malam yang sudah diberlakukan harus dimulai pada pukul 23:00 dari yang sekarang pada tengah malam. (4) Pembatasan yang sama akan berlaku di tujuh wilayah, termasuk Madrid tengah, mulai 17 sampai 21 Maret untuk perayaan festival San José. (5) Wilayah Madrid, kata Darias, adalah satu-satunya yang menentang peraturan ini. (6) Warga melayangkan protes karena mengganggu ketertiban umum.
(Sumber: VOAIndonesia, dengan perubahan)
5. Kalimat tidak efektif pada teks terdapat pada kalimat ….
A. (4)
B. (5)
C. (6)
D. (3)
E. (2)
Contoh Soal Tes Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
Education is often viewed as school in a traditional formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of what is education? However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society’s economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.
As global citizens, it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990, UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year of 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when the numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations to compete with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever-widening digital divide. In many ways, the most basic access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.
1. According to the author, education ….
A. Only can be done in formal classroom setting
B. has an exact answer of its definition
C. is to civilize the people of a country
D. is a fundamental individual’s rights
E. can boost economic success
Jawaban: D
Education is often viewed as school in a traditional formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of what is education? However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society’s economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.
As global citizens, it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990, UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year of 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when the numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations to compete with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever-widening digital divide. In many ways, the most basic access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.
2. Which of the following sentence that is not author’s opinion?
A. everyone has the right to get education
B. EFA provides quality education by 2015
C. education is basic to human development
D. education cannot be easily defined
E. the EFA goals are faced with serious challenges
Jawaban: B
The catastrophe called the Great Dying, which occurred between the Permian and Triassic periods wiped out 90 percent of the planet’s marine life and 70 percent of all plant and animal life. The most recent popular scientific belief about what caused it was the impact of a large object from space, but the examination of sediment and fossil deposited at the time has led two groups of scientists to revise this belief.
Animals and plants both on land in the sea were dying at the same time and apparently from the same causes ‘too much heat and too little oxygen’, said Peter ward, a University of Washington paleontologist. In their research published in Science express, the groups found increased levels of sulphur and depleted oxygen in the ancient rock. Ward and his team of researchers from the United States and South Africa thought that the sulphur came from continued volcanic eruptions in an area known as the Siberian Trap. The eruptions warmed the earth, trapped sunlight, and depleted oxygen in the air.
At the same time, the Earth’s shifting tectonic plates lowered the levels of the ocean, exposing seabed and releasing methane trapped in the sediment there, further increasing the global warming. The temperatures kept raising so that it got hotter and hotter until it reached a critical point causing everything to die. Temperatures around the world rose 8 degrees, killing off plants which served as food for animal, there by starving them. In addition, oxygen levels dropped to about 16 percent of the atmosphere, whereas levels today are at 21 percent. Therefore, it is believed that widespread volcanic eruptions that led to global warming was likely the cause of massive extinction 250 million years ago, not the impact of an asteroid or comet.
3. The word catastrophe is the same meaning as the following EXCEPT …
A. Havoc
B. Disaster
C. Doom
D. Calamity
E. Gloom
Jawaban: E
The catastrophe called the Great Dying, which occurred between the Permian and Triassic periods wiped out 90 percent of the planet’s marine life and 70 percent of all plant and animal life. The most recent popular scientific belief about what caused it was the impact of a large object from space, but the examination of sediment and fossil deposited at the time has led two groups of scientists to revise this belief.
Animals and plants both on land in the sea were dying at the same time and apparently from the same causes ‘too much heat and too little oxygen’, said Peter ward, a University of Washington paleontologist. In their research published in Science express, the groups found increased levels of sulphur and depleted oxygen in the ancient rock. Ward and his team of researchers from the United States and South Africa thought that the sulphur came from continued volcanic eruptions in an area known as the Siberian Trap. The eruptions warmed the earth, trapped sunlight, and depleted oxygen in the air.
At the same time, the Earth’s shifting tectonic plates lowered the levels of the ocean, exposing seabed and releasing methane trapped in the sediment there, further increasing the global warming. The temperatures kept raising so that it got hotter and hotter until it reached a critical point causing everything to die. Temperatures around the world rose 8 degrees, killing off plants which served as food for animal, there by starving them. In addition, oxygen levels dropped to about 16 percent of the atmosphere, whereas levels today are at 21 percent. Therefore, it is believed that widespread volcanic eruptions that led to global warming was likely the cause of massive extinction 250 million years ago, not the impact of an asteroid or comet.
4. The following is the cause of the massive extinction millions of years ago EXCEPT …
A. The eruption of volcanoes
B. Gradual loss of oxygen
C. The increase of global warming
D. Sudden drop of high temperatures
E. High rate of sulphur emissions
Jawaban: D
The spotted hyena, or Crocuta, found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, is, contrary to popular belief, one of nature’s fiercest. Some early tribes mistook the hyena’s distinctive call, which some have equated to hysterical human laughter, for the cries of lost souls, while many others associated the animal with the lords of the underworld. In modern movies, the hyena has most often been caricatured as a buffoon-like creature or a villain, preying on the weak. These beliefs have led to the common fallacy that the hyena is primarily a scavenger. The reality, however, is that hyenas are predators first and scavengers only through need.
Hyena physiology may look comical, but it is designed for pure power. It has been postulated that the laws of a fully-grown hyena are potentially capable of exerting a bite force of 1,000 pounds which would give it one of the most powerful grips in the animal world. The hyenas’ heart is equally powerful, enabling an adult to run at a steady rate of six miles per hour, with bursts of up to thirty miles per hour. In the wild, hyenas tend to hunt in packs led by a matriarch and have been known to bring down animals as large the Cape buffalo. It seems that, in the case of the hyena, appearances can certainly be deceiving.
5. The first paragraph talks about …
A. The belief that is true about hyena
B. The facts about hyenas in the real world
C. The wrong interpretation of hyenas in societies
D. The nature of hyenas
E. The characteristics of male hyenas
Contoh Soal Penalaran Matematika
1. Garis l melalui (-6,8) memotong sumbu X negatif dan sumbu Y positif. Daerah yang dibatasi garis l , sumbu X negatif, dan sumbu Y positif membentuk segitiga. Agar luas segitiga minimum maka panjang sisi miring segitiga tersebut adalah …
A. √10
B. 10
C. 10√2
D. 20
E. 20√2
Jawaban: D
2. Lingkaran x2+y2-4x-4y-8=0 dan garis 4x+3y=24 berpotongan di titik Q dan R. Jika P pusat lingkaran, maka luas segitiga PQR adalah … satuan luas.
A. 55
B. 10
C. √3
D. 2√23
E. 4√3
Jawaban: E